The Shaw family built a successful business in Western Canada by serving customers as good neighbors. This “one of us” positioning helped to build solid and enduring customer relationships. However, growth was slowing with changing consumer behaviors and the incursion of new competitors who leveraged new technology and discounts to lure customers away. Leadership looked to a new CMO and his team to help stem this tide and reignite growth.
We were invited by CMO Jim Little to coach his all-star staff and talented agency, Rethink in developing the integrated brand, engagement and custmer experience plans needed to reignite growth. Together, we examined the market psychology, competitor positioning and Shaw’s capabilities. From this, we buttressed the firm’s long standing good friend positioning, consilidated branding architecture under the Shaw brand to convey the breadth and depth of value offered across the firm, built a compelling new engagement program featuring a new identity and advertising campaign and created a rich new customer experience management program to increase satisfaction and reduce churn. The early returns validate the engagement and retention value of the new Shaw. With Shaw, you’ll never miss a thing.
It’s about fueling passions
Aremi Group

For Aremi Group, we unlocked fresh demand by fueling passions through a new .art TLD that provides creatives and curators with a dramatic new way to share their creations and collections. Tell me more
It’s about igniting demand across the value chain Novelis

For Novelis, we helped tell this distinctive company's story more effectively to help convey its value for customers, clients and society as a whole. Tell me more
It’s about reinforcing and building the value of a global Icon brand
The Ryder Cup

For The Ryder Cup, we helped knit this once bifurcated brand into a single powerful brand, capable of capitalizing on its iconic heritage. Tell me more
It’s about transforming a market through disruptive technology IO

For IO, we established the brand and engagement program needed to help this transformative company disrupt the marketplace for enterprise scale infrastructure technology. Tell me more
It’s about preparing the organization to thrive for the next 20 years
PGA of Great Britain & Ireland

For the PGA of Great Britain & Ireland, we helped this venerable organization prepare for the next 20 years by uniting the organization behind a common ambition to reinforce the value of the PGA Professional in the eyes of the golfing public. Tell me more
It's about blending equities to brand a winning combination IGT

We coached a combined team of worldclass branding and marketing experts to position the new IGT for success. Tell me more
It's about coaching to enable a new growth strategy Eurasia Group

We partnered with the creative powerhouse Odgis + Co to help coach the talented team at Eurasia Group through the transformation of their positioning and brand touchpoint system. Tell me more
It's about the freedom to unlock substantial demand BASELAYER

We spun out BASELAYER as a stand alone company to remove competitive conflict and tap into significant latent demand. Tell me more